Saturday, January 31, 2009

August 18th 30 years wow

    This is a note about Love. This is a story of Love.

   On August 18th if my danny was still here we would have celebrated our 30th Anniversary. Wow not to many marriages last that long.

   We had our songs, we had our dances, we had our favorite places to eat.

    We had our family we, had our fun most of all we had each other.

     We had some good friends, we had some great experiences, we taught a lot to each other.

    Danny gave me the knowledge and the know how to do things but most of all he gave me the strength to carry on.

    I really miss him he is and was the best, not to many can stand up to the test.

    It has been 2 1/2 years and I know he is saying it is time to let go. But that is easier said then done when all i want to do is run.

   He was my love,my husband,my hero, my friend how can you let go with such a great husband. I dont know how or when it will happen someday it may and it will be with his blessing.

  So it is our 30th Anni-. my dear sweet danny and again I will celebrate it alone I will read you the cards, I will talk to you, I will have very fond memories of you. I will also have things to do that day but most of all I will be thinking of you all day. I would love to go have something special to eat to sit and ponder what would or could have been. Have a good dinner is what we did then went and had fun and let down our hair and would laugh and laugh and just have fun.

   We have not had our Saturday night date in so long, but I still try to continue and when we do wings we always say this one is for you my dear and cheers to you my love.

   I remember one day we were walking with your mom and tom and diane on the boardwalk of NY you happen to look in a store window and said, I am so ugly what do you see in me"? I said I see a beautiful person and loving and your not ugly now way, no how. And your mom said awwwwwwww she loves you and i said yes i do. To me i dont look at the outside of a person i look at the inside and your beauty always shone threw. And that is why I fell in love with you.

   Everyday we had together we got more and more in love with each other, not to many can say that, but we can that is how special you were so easy to love you so easy to speak to. My Love, my husband,my hero my friend.

  Love and miss you my dear my love. Still wishing you were here.

   Love and miss you Love For All Time. Love Rona your sweety pie..... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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